Friday, March 2, 2012

Day #6 - 1st Friday Weigh-In & Measure

Weight = 159.4 lb (loss = 5.2 lb)
BMI = 26.5 (loss = 0.5)
Neck = 12.5" (loss = 0.5")
Arm = 10.5" (loss = 1.0")
Bust = 37.5" (loss = 0.5")
Calf = 13.5" (loss = 0.5")
Waist = 33.0" (loss = 3.5")
Hips = 40.5" (loss = 2.5")
Thighs = 23.5" (loss = 1.5")

Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! My goal for today was to be in the 150s when I weighed myself and when I weighed in at the doctor's. Today was my first weekly weigh-in and measure with the doctor in my 40-day journey. And I met my goal. I weighed 159.4! I am averaging about 1 lb loss a day. If I can keep on track with this I will meet my end goal. Yay!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day #5

The scale this morning only showed that I was down about 1/2 lb since yesterday. I know that, in all actuality, that is quite a lot for one day. But I've been losing about 1 lb a day, so to drop to 1/2 lb was a little discouraging. But at least it's still a loss. I know I'm not a porker. I'm not obese in the medical sense of the term. But I am overweight - in the medical sense of the term. And my clothes don't fit. The clothes I used to wear (my skinny clothes), or the clothes I bought after I put on some weight (my not skinny anymore clothes). So when nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing in your closet really fits you anymore, it's really time to do something about it. I go for my first weekly check-up with the nurse tomorrow. I did want to see more results after the first week. I will have to ask her what I can do to see more results after week #2. Maybe I'm not doing something right? Or maybe it's just my body chemistry. I'm losing weight. So I shouldn't complain about that. And I'm eating healthier. That was one of my big goals with this. As well as exercising some every day - that was another big goal. I'm 32 and horrifically out of shape and unhealthy. So no matter how much weight I lose while on this diet, if I can establish healthy eating habbits and a regular work-out regimen I will be happy. Not ecstatic, mind you. I'll be ecstatic if I can fit back into my skinny clothes when this is all said and done. :) But I'll get there. I have a slew of dresses at my sister's that she's been wearing and pants that my mom's been borrowing that I would love to get back. I invested a lot of time and $$$ into that wardrobe. I think it belongs back in my closet, but without the taunting cries.

So 5 days down. 35 days to go. 5 lbs down. 30 lbs to go.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day #3

Day #3 seems to be going a little bit better, I think. I just got back from walking around the building. That may not seem like much, but I work in the Pentagon, so walking around the outside of the building is a little over 3/4 mile. My hunger pangs are a bit better today. My stomach is shrinking, of course, but I think I'm starting to adapt. I'm also planning my meals better, which helps. I'm sticking to the calorie count but trying to include more substance. I'm learning that planning ahead is key. If I stick to the lower calorie items, I can have more of them. Obvious? Yes. But you have to plan. Not something I excel at. I am feeling some cramps in my stomach today - had some last night, too. I'm not sure if it's because of the brussel sprouts that I ate - cabbage does cause gas (sorry if that's TMI). But it may just be a general reaction of my body to this detox I'm putting it through. I ate a lot of shit prior to this diet and I just went cold turkey and started eating lean proteins, fruits, and veggies - and not many of them.

I'm supposed to meet up with an hold hometown friend tonight for "dinner & drinks". I can't do the drinks, and I have to be careful about the dinner. Not quite sure what I'm going to do. I haven't seen her in years and I'd like to see her while she's in town, but I'm so new at this diet that I'm tempted to cancel just so I don't falter. We shall see. For now, I think it's time for my afternoon snack. Half an apple. Yum! Seriously, though. Yum. I really like apples.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day #2

I started a new diet. So I've decided to keep a journal. I don't really care if anyone else reads this. This is really for my benefit. The hardest part about all of this is will power, so I thought if I keep a journal about how I'm feeling and doing throughout it might help. The diet is called the HCG Diet. I take hormone injections every morning and eat a ELC diet (NMT 500 calories/day). I know that sounds crazy - 500 calories/day, but the HCG hormone tells your body to release about 1000 calories of stored fat from your body, so your body is still burning about 1500 calories a day. It's just that 1000 of those come from stored up fat, thus the weight loss. Don't worry. I'm doing this under doctor supervision. Promise. The hard part is that I'm only in day #2 right now and for quite some time now I have had a really, really, really crummy diet. What I'm eating on the diet right now is really healthy food - fruits, veggies, lean proteins. No starches or sugars. That's really hard for me. I really want mashed potatoes or potatoe chips and ranch dip. Or chocolate. And my stomach is shrinking b/c I'm just eating less than I have been for quite some time. So I'm hungry. Not famished. But just a little hungry all the time. That happens when you go on any diet. I've been there before. And that was what I was looking forward to the least. But I've already lost a little weight. Granted, I'm pretty sure that was all water weight. But still. It felt nice stepping on the scale this morning. That part makes it worth while. And I know it'll be worth it when I can fit into my clothes again and when I have a lot more energy to do things because I have gotten in the habbit of just eating better over all. That's my goal. Better eating habbits, becoming more active, and I want to lose 35 pounds.